About Signatures Closing & Title

Signatures Closing & Title CompanyPurchasing a home, property, or refinancing an existing loan is a major life decision that is not without stress, confusion, and complexity. At Signatures Closing & Title we are committed to guide you through the settlement process facilitating an efficient, thorough, and accurate transaction. Our clients are important to us, they are our neighbors. We build relationships and provide a high degree of customer service you won’t find at the larger, national companies.

Signatures Closing & Title is an independent party in your title transfer process. We are called closing agents, settlement agents or title agents. We take the time to understand the needs of all the parties involved; Buyers, Sellers, Homeowners, Realtors, and Lenders. We work to make the transaction to be as smooth, accurate and as easy as possible. We coordinate it all and are here to serve you!

Signatures Closing & Title has been in business since July 2004, providing superior service using our extensive knowledge, experience and training in the Real Estate Closing and Mortgage Refinance industries.

Contact us to see how we can assist you with your title needs.
Signatures Closing & Title, Inc.
516 Third Street, Suite 2  – PO Box 949
Moose Lake MN 55767

Email: dawn@signaturesct.com
Office: 320-629-5515
Fax: 320-629-4955

We are required by Minnesota Statutes to provide the following notice:
Signatures Closing & Title, Inc., acting as a Real Estate Closing Agent in the above transaction, has not, and under applicable state law, may not express any opinion regarding the legal effects of the closing documents or of the closing itself.
(M.S. 507.45, Subd. 2)
In order to close the transaction on your behalf, a closing fee will be charged in the amount of $300.00, which will be included in your Settlement Statement costs at the time of closing.